Category Archives: inspirational quotes

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As much as I appreciate Word Press, I have now my own blog! We talk about the same things self help, advice, believe in yourself, counseling, don’t give up, and of course solving the worlds problems, in the hopes we might make a little difference in the world today. We would love your advice and comments and don’t want you to loose your way. Thank you for all your support thus far I sure don’t want to loose your attention to my blog. Come and check out my new exciting blog!


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Quick Self Help Techniques


By Ravey Dio

Sometimes we are confused of what to do next with our lives especially when we are overwhelmed by the large amounts of information that we store in our minds. The human brain has a huge capacity to store data however this data can be corrupted with the dreaded mind set of negativity. When we have negative thoughts, it deteriorates our self esteem thus our belief in ourselves and confidence that we can surpass any challenge. Self help techniques aid us to give more importance to positive thoughts over negative and to improve self esteem which is a huge factor in achieving personal success.

There are many people who have changed their lives positively by using self help techniques. These techniques can be found in subliminal tools, self help books and personal development training courses. When we flood our mind with good, positive thoughts, there will be no room for negative thought. You will have solutions to most of your problems as you will believe more in your decision making skills and not underestimate abilities.

Here are some self help techniques to quickly switch from negative to positive outlook in life:

Goal Setting

Spare some of your time in this goal setting process. Sit down and write down all your goals in a notebook. Your goals for tomorrow or even in the near future are valid, so long as it is realistic. This self help technique can help you focus on your goals especially when you are de-motivated or stressed. You may read this notebook again and again especially when you are in doubt as it will serve as your energy transmitter to your mind and body and motivate you.

Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes can be found anywhere and everywhere, whether it be online, subliminal audio or within the pages of Self Help Books. These quotes can be a great help especially in when you are most tired and if you have encountered some frustrating barriers to reaching your goals. The quotes can be about success, life purpose, business development, reaching dreams and more it depends on how you feel at the time. It is best to read quotes in your room where it is peaceful so that you can really absorb them consciously and sub-consciously.

Motivational Videos with True Stories

A great self help technique is that watching people succeed. You may watch videos with true stories from people who achieved their goals. There are also motivational videos with reenactments on how these successful people struggled in the past and how they coped with issues and reached their dreams. You can also learn more techniques or tools on improving self esteem and establishing positive outlook in life. Schedule a day to watch videos as you hardly notice time fly by when you are enjoying the videos.

These quick self help techniques are the most affordable methods available, you only need to spare a little time for them and an open mind. However, each can provide a long term effect when you decide to act it open each suggestion.

Find out how Self Help Techniques can assist you in finding harmony in your life, be more alert and develop a strong sense of self belief will help you in so many other areas of your life at Clear Away Stress Now.